Season Ticket Temporary Relocation Due to Club Red Zone Areas


Due to Government legislation, players and staff at the football club must still adhere to 2 metre social distancing, red zone bubble at present.

This means that on a matchday, both teams’ substitutes and coaching staff will still require to be seated in the Main Stand.

Main Stand – Turnbull Hutton Stand Season Tickets Temporary Relocation to Penman Stand
Main Stand season ticket holders will have to be moved temporarily to the Penman Stand until the restrictions lift on players, staff and officials allowing them to return to the clubs nominated regular facilities.

“To adhere to the legislation set by the Government and the SPFL JRG (Joint Response Group) we will automatically allocate you a seat in the South Stand – Penman Stand”.

We’ll relocate your seat/s and send your e-tickets with your TEMPORARY seat allocated automatically.
If you sit in a group with family or friends, we will reallocate you (ensuring you are still seated together) your temporary tickets printed ahead of next Friday’s match with Dunfermline.

Once the legislation lifts you can return to your original season ticket seat. We hoped we wouldn’t have to relocate the season tickets in the Turnbull Hutton, and we fully appreciate the inconvenience this will cause some supporters but we have to adhere to the guidelines and legislation set by the Government and the SPFL JRG (Joint Response Group).

Your seat in the Turnbull Hutton / Main Stand will be reserved for you and will not be resold to anyone else.

The club appreciates your understanding and patience whilst the restrictions are still in place.

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